Emorial Planner

Technology Company in Northbrook, Illinois

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National Web Directory   |   Illinois   |   Northbrook   |   Emorial Planner

Emorial Planner is listed in the Technology section of the National Web Directory. If you are a Northbrook based Technology or providing related services in Northbrook you can submit your website for free listing here.


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Emorial Planner


Northbrook, Illinois


eMorial Plannerâ„¢ is a web-based provider of end-of-life products and tools essential to the planning and financing of consumer-centric memorial ceremonies. We allow people to plan how and what they wish, and then to fund their plan to become a reality. eMorial Plannerâ„¢ recognizes a compelling niche opportunity to create new value for consumers by helping them plan and pay for more meaningful and financially efficient memorial ceremonies due to a confluence of three market conditions. First, the Baby Boomer Generation has begun phasing into retirement, the stage of life when consumers begin their end-of-life planning. Next, as technology has become more indispensable in our lives, older consumers have embraced the internet as a trusted source of product and service information and accessibility. Finally, there is substantial consumer dissatisfaction with the current funeral service business model. eMorial Plannerâ„¢ knows that there is a trend of Baby Boomers bucking the old system to create their individualistic choices and recreate the way they pass, like they recreated the way they lived.

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Emorial Planner

Emorial Planner is listed under Technology in the National Web Directory. Emorial Planner is located in Northbrook, Illinois. The National Web Directory helps you find Technology for your needs, and offers you information that will help you determine what Technology best suits your needs. We've taken all the hassle out of locating Technology firms in by gathering a list of finest service providers.  Click the link above to view the website of Emorial Planner.