Financial Consultants Brooklyn, New York

Financial Consultants in Brooklyn, New York

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Brooklyn, New York

Personal Training has evolved of the decades from some private personal trainer spotting you while you lift weights to an all inclusive service that will bring you back to health. Most trainers are still in the stone age. Joey is the founder of 1 on 1 Fitness and Wellness which has the top weight loss program in Brooklyn. He personally has dramatically changed his own life in the pursuit of fitness. He lost 80 pounds of fat; now he has 6 pack of diamond cut abs. These results were only possible through the all inclusive training model. The all inclusive training model consists of four distinct qualities that are needed to create real transformation. I’m not talking about just weight loss, a tone & trimmed body, improved health or fat loss. I’m talking about the new you – the person who has increased confidence in themselves, feel great about their body, and loves to exercise. I know you’re thinking – “I hate exercise” or “I can’t do that”. We understand why you are here looking at this page. You’re reading this right now because you know you need to change. You need to hear that statement again. You’re reading this right now because you know you need tochange! Our unique program will change our life through our Four Pillars of success. Personal Training – Don’t go and get a cheap personal trainer off groupon or buy the latest boot camp DVD. You need a personal trainer. Joey is the only NASM Master Trainer in Brooklyn, NY. His education, expertise and experience alone will get you in that swim suit that’s been buried in your closet for the last 7 years. Nutrition – Real Nutrition consists of eating the right foods for your body type. Nutritionists as “educated” as they are don’t even give you tests to figure out your body type! Unbelievable – no wonder the country is 2/3rds overweight. Our qualified health programs gives better health in a matter of weeks. Wellness Coaching – Coaching, what is coaching anyway? Coaching your mind to get those self- defeating thoughts to be positive, uplifting thoughts is one very overlooked keys to lasting weight loss. The best part is that you won’t even know you’re being coached! Holistic Lifestyle Coaching – This is what separates Joey from the rest of the pack. This is what makes him the alpha wolf of personal training. The edge that Holistic Lifestyle Coaching gives him is what makes him the Best Personal Trainer in Brooklyn, NY. Doctors don’t want you know this information. Pharmaceutical companies lose money when you realize there is a all natural, cheap and more effective way of solving your problems.

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Brooklyn Financial Consultants Directory

The Brooklyn, New York Business Directory is a categorical selection of top companies located in Brooklyn, New York. This is the most comprehensive place to look for businesses that provide services in Brooklyn, New York. We are here to help you the best company for your needs. We've taken all the hassle out of locating companies in Brooklyn, New York by gathering statistics on each service provider, and listing them in an order that allows you to see which have the highest rank (based on Google rankings).